Software reusability is the likelihood a piece of
source code that can be used again to add new functionalities with slight or no
modification. Programmers have always reused sections of code, functions and
procedures. Code reuse is the idea that a partial or complete computer program
written at one time is being or should be used in another program written at a
later time. The concept of software reuse emerged as a recognized area after
proposed basing of industry on reusable components. To achieve full potential
of reuse, we need to focus our attention on development for reuse.
Organizations implementing systematic software reuse
programs must be able to measure their progress and identify the most effective
reuse strategies. Metrics and models with various reuse readiness levels can be
used to measure reuse and reusability. Current reuse techniques focus on the
reuse of software artifacts on the basis of desired functionality .
Nonfunctional properties of a software system are also crucial.
concerns, therefore, should also be the focus for software reuse. This
Mathematical Theory of Intelligence structures objects in such a way that they
become maximally reusable, interoperable and archival. The theory claims that
reusability of an object is maximized if the object itself is defined as having
been produced by maximizing reuse of the operations that were used to produce
it. Many metrics and models have been developed for software reuse and
Introduction of
Software Reuse:
Software reuse is the process of creating software
systems from existing software rather than building software systems from
scratch. Something that was originally written for a different project will
usually be recognized as reuse. Code reuse is the idea that a partial or
complete computer program written at one time can be, should be, or is being
used in another program written at a later time. The reuse of programming code
is a common technique which attempts to save time and energy by reducing
redundant work. Software assets, or components, include all software
products, from requirements and proposals, to specifications and designs, high level designs, data formats, algorithms to user manuals and test suites.
Anything that is produced from a software development
effort can potentially be reused. Software developed and used repeatedly by the
same people on the same project, Product maintenance and new product versions,
use of operating systems, database management systems, and other system tools
doesn’t amount to reuse. Software engineering has been more focused on original
development but it is now recognised that to achieve better software, more
quickly and at lower cost, we need to adopt a design process that is based on
systematic software reuse.
For systematic reuse to succeed organizations must
recognize that good components, frameworks, and software architectures require
time to design, implement, optimize, validate, apply, maintain, and enhance.
Creating reusable software assets requires a mature organization whose
developers and architects can distinguish key sources of variability and
commonality in their application domain. Identifying and separating these
concerns for complex networked applications requires an iterative
development process since it's hard to design reusable artifacts
correctly the first time using a topdown “waterfall” software lifecycle model.
Why Software Reuse:
A good software reuse process facilitates the increase
of productivity, quality, and reliability, performance and the decrease of
costs, effort, risk and implementation time. An initial investment is required
to start a software reuse process, but that investment pays for itself in a few
reuses. In short, the development of a reuse process and repository produces a
base of knowledge that improves in quality after every reuse, minimizing the
amount of development work required for future projects, and ultimately
reducing the risk of new projects that are based on repository knowledge.
Reusing code saves programming time, which reduces
costs. If one person or team has already solved a problem, and they share the
solution, there's no need to solve the problem again (with some potential
caveats see Drawbacks).
• Sharing code
can help
prevent bugs by reducing the amount of total code that needs to be written to
perform a set of tasks .
Generally, the more code a system contains the more bugs it's likely to have.
The shared code can also be tested separately from the applications which use
• Separating code into common libraries lets
programmers specialize in their particular strengths. A security library, for example, can
be built by securityexperts while a user interface which uses the library can
let UI experts focus on
their tasks.
their tasks.
• Repeatedly, separating code into specialized
libraries lets each be tuned for performance, security, and special cases. For example, a
Python application might delegate graphics functionality to a C library for
• Delegation of tasks into shared modules allows
offloading of some functionality onto separate systems. For example, a system
specialized for fast readonly database queries can be used for reporting and
accessed by multiple
desktop applications.
• Proper and efficient reuse of code can help avoid
code bloat. Bloated code contains unnecessary duplication and unused instructions.
By efficiently sharing code across systems each individual component avoids
duplicate or unneeded functionality.
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